SAL 3 – Adding glitz…

Hi there, where did that month go to? I have made some more progress on my ‘Christmas Baubles’ by Kate Barlow. Last time I had completed all the padding and my embroidery looked like this…..


But I have since added the metallic leather over the top of the padding and now the baubles look a little more colourful…

I then couched silver Japanese threads at the top of each bauble and made a start on couching the little green bauble. Japanese threads have a metal outer coating over a thread core. Now my embroidery looks like this…..


Next time I hope to have finished all the Japanese thread work.

Thank you for looking in on my SAL progress, there are many more of us in the group so please check out the fabulous stitching that they do. If you are interested in joining us you can contact Avis for details.                                                                                               Happy Stitching.

Avis , Gun, Carole , LucyAnn, Kate, Jess, Sue, Constanze, DebbieRose, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, Cindy,Helen , Steph, Linda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Tony, Megan, Catherine, Connie

About wybrow1966

My name is Deborah, and my earliest recollection of being creative is learning how to smock at primary school. We had a wonderful, white-haired lady who came in once a week to teach the 'girls' how to sew. I am not sure what the boys got up to during this time - but I never once felt as though I was missing out on anything. Now, as a primary teacher, I often give up evenings to teach enthusiastic children how to embroider. I am now just about to embarked into the world of blogging. Who knows if anyone will be interested, or if I can even keep it up. But here goes....
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29 Responses to SAL 3 – Adding glitz…

  1. lucyannluna says:

    Very pretty, I will have to investigate coloured kid leather

  2. claire93 says:

    Looking amazing !

  3. kathyreeves says:

    That seems like lots of progress to me! This piece has so much detail work, but then having small sections can be very motivating. It looks marvelous!

  4. I didn’t know what to expect when you first showed this. Very clever!

  5. Christina says:

    Wow! These are coming along nicely. I’m interested in learning move about the Japanese thread as l have a project that will need ornament hangers. How can find them?

  6. katechiconi says:

    I love how this SAL lets me see new techniques in action. Who know I’d be watching metallic leather and Japanese threads at play? Way beyond me – I’ll stick with my tapestry wool and cross-stitch floss!

  7. I remember baubles like this – fragile and beautiful!

  8. tonymarkp says:

    This project is amazing. You’re doing beautiful work!

  9. These are fantastic! They are so shiny and pretty!

  10. rutigt says:

    This is so new to me and so beautiful! Wow!!!!

  11. magpiesue says:

    Wow, that’s pretty impressive work! And your wren is wonderful. 🙂

  12. lbick says:

    Looks awesome so far!

  13. Catherine says:

    Gosh, you really are making a lot of progress on this! You seem to be enjoying it too. It’s looking lovely, and will be sure to get you in the spirit!

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