SAL 38: Buttonhole bananza!

Hello everyone and what a dreary, wet weekend it has been so far! I have finally managed to get a little bit of sewing done on my Blue Bird etui kit – although not a huge amount!

The wings of the bird act as needle cases with flannel panels underneath each side. I have spent about 6 hours in total slip stitching around the edge of each wing before sewing buttonhole stitch over the top. So much time, so little progress!

Thank you for popping by. See you all in another 3 weeks!

We are a small group of crafters using a variety of different techniques. Please check out the fabulous stitching by all the other members of the SAL. If you are interested in joining us you can contact Avis for details.

AvisClaire,  Gun,  Carol , Sue,ConstanzeChristina,  Kathy,  Margaret,  CindyHeidiJacky , Sunny ,  Hayley,   Megan,   MaryMargaret , Renee ,  Carmella ,  Jocelyn, Sharon,  Daisy,   Anne,  A.J. ,  Jenny , Laura ,   Cathie,  Linda,   Sherrie,  Helen

About wybrow1966

My name is Deborah, and my earliest recollection of being creative is learning how to smock at primary school. We had a wonderful, white-haired lady who came in once a week to teach the 'girls' how to sew. I am not sure what the boys got up to during this time - but I never once felt as though I was missing out on anything. Now, as a primary teacher, I often give up evenings to teach enthusiastic children how to embroider. I am now just about to embarked into the world of blogging. Who knows if anyone will be interested, or if I can even keep it up. But here goes....
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30 Responses to SAL 38: Buttonhole bananza!

  1. craftycreeky says:

    It’s beautifully stitched! It’s these ‘hidden’ hours that non stitchers don’t appreciate when they see the finished item.

  2. claire93 says:

    beautifully stitched ^^

  3. Cathie J says:

    It seems to me that was 6 hours of progress. Every little stitch is what makes this such a beautiful project.

  4. So very many little stitches! These are the preparations that no one sees when they look at the finished project.

  5. Carole says:

    6 hours of progress is that much closer to a finish 🙂

  6. Such intricate work shouldn’t be rushed. Savour the process 🙂

  7. kathyreeves says:

    How exciting to complete this step though!

  8. rutigt says:

    Well done and looking great!

  9. But all the preparations lead to the delightful result…

  10. Laura says:

    Stitching is not a race. Take your time and enjoy the process.

  11. Sharon says:

    slow going but well worth it 🙂

  12. teamwilsun says:

    Your exquisite work always impresses me — and it seems like 6 hours is fast for the level of quality! I enjoy seeing this project grow.

  13. Oh … but every point is perfect! I imagine the difficulty of embroidering on that fabric. Brava! Happy embroidery!
    Hugs, Carmela

  14. anne54 says:

    Such patience, which has paid off with beautiful work. I guess many people just see the finished product, but as stitchers we see and appreciate the process of stitching. We know that there is so much behind each finished item.

    • wybrow1966 says:

      Very kind of you Anne – I think you are right, as stitchers we can understand the time and care that goes into each piece. I think that is why I like to make gifts for people rather than buy them!

  15. I love watching your stitching growing, you are so clever with your needle. I also love the reindeer in the post below. xx

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